It was reported that ‘the meeting was brought to a close by the chief event of the day - the brass band contest. For the band of not less than twelve in number that rendered best, ‘We never will bow down' (Handel), any arrangement.

Two prizes were offered - the first £21 and a gold medal to the conductor and a second prize of a baby trombone, value £18 18s, presented by Messrs. F. Besson and Co., musical instrument makers, London.'

Six bands

It added: 'Six bands competed, in the following order: Morriston Artillery Band, leader, Mr George Hanney; Neath Volunteer Band; The Cyfarthfa Band, leader, Mr S. Livesey; Tredegar Band, leader, Mr J. Hardy; Merthyr Town Band, leader, Mr R. Jones; and Corris (North Wales) Band, led by Mr Tidswell.

The adjudicators were unanimous in their decision that Cyfartha Band should have the first prize, and that the second prize should be awarded to Corris Band.”