Heritage Library

Tredegar Band Heritage

Pioneering LEader

Inside the bandroom - late 1950s

Despite moving into their ‘new bandroom’ in January 1950, the surroundings could never be described as ‘state of the art’.

Regular fund-raising work, some political ‘persuasion’ (Band Chairman Reg Childs was an influential member of the local Tredegar Urban District Council), the generosity of the people of the town and the support of many south Wales bands in entering an annual fund raising contest run by the band at Bedwellty Park, meant that improvements were gradually made with the addition of mens and womens toilets, adequate heating and lighting.    

However, as can be seen, the facilities remained rudimentary for many years – including the home made cover for the band’s copper timpani, and the alarming use of a gas cooker as storage space! 

It is believed these pictures were taken in the late 1950s and were found in the band’s records.  

The aim of this Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) supported project is to provide an on-line multi-media resource that will celebrate and interpret the historical importance of the social, cultural and musical achievements of Tredegar Town Band over a time-line of the past 170 years – from the earliest reported origins in 1849 to date.

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